Thursday, February 26, 2009

Glamour shots

I love taking pictures of my beautiful baby girl...

Out to eat

We just started putting Corrine in a highchair when we go out to eat. She loves it, she loves being at our level and eating her meal of cheerios when mommy and daddy eat. I can't believe how big she is getting!

She was trying to see the TV
*(don't worry she did not really eat this)

Fun in the tub

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

First time at the pool

We decided to take Corinne to the indoor pool on base today since we got the OK from her ped at her 6 month appointment. They have a really nice heated kiddie pool, we thought she would enjoy it since she LOVES her bath. Well she looked super cute in her little bathing suit but did not like the pool so much. I think it was the weird lighting and big building that scared her. After a few minutes of crying I took her to the locker room, nursed her to calm her down and gave it another go. After she calmed down she liked the pool alot better. I bet she is going to love all the water in Florida! (I've lost about half of my hair after having Corinne so excuse my receding hair line)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daddy's Girl

This is what happened when Joe bought the baby a new toy......

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!<3

Isn't she the cutest Valentine you've ever seen?!

Wardrobe malfunction
Joe and I Decided to have a nice quiet Valentine's Dinner at home. Going to chilis or the BX Food court just isn't that romantic. Joe really wanted crab legs so we decided to do that and steak. I had never had crab legs but I've come a long way from my grilled cheese and french fry days so I gave it a try. Well... I'd rather have my grilled cheese and french fries. It wasn't horrible but it was too much work for something not so great. It was a good day, we didn't do gifts (although I did give Joe cards that I found that I had forgotten to give him last year) but we had fun making dinner together and eating it too.

And of course Oli got a special treat too, his favorite people food.. ice cream.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Then and Now

Corinne turned 6 months about a week ago so I thought it would be fun to take a picture of her now and compare it to a picture from when she was a newborn. I used her chair so you could really see the difference and how big she has gotten. She also had her 6 month well baby visit today. She weighed in at 18lbs and is just shy of 28 inches.

and oliver in the same chair...

Here are a few of my favorite pics of her from various months.

These next pictures are a few 6 month pictures that i took.